ICS Response to Covid-19 image

ICS Response to Covid-19

Help keep our community safe & healthy!

$11,772 raised

$15,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Help care for the vulnerable in the midst of this Public Health crisis -

ICS is committed to continuing to care for the most vulnerable in our community during the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak. Despite current social-distancing and uncertainty, there are still people who are hungry and need help putting food on their table. We expect even more to come looking for help as people experience lay-offs and their hours/pay are reduced or suspended.

ICS is dedicated to making sure all programs are safe for all guests, volunteers and staff. This calls for a drastic escalation of our cleaning processes, which requires extra staff hours and the need to purchase an immense amount of cleaning supplies.

Please help care for our neighbors in this difficult time.